
11 de julho de 2008

Intervenção (em inglês) sobre a China e os Jogos Olímpicos na Plenária do Parlamento Europeu, Estrasburgo, 9 de Julho de 2008 

Mr President, I support the Olympic Games being held in Beijing, but I also urge the European governments and institutions to demand that China abide by its commitments regarding human rights, namely those undertaken in order to have the Olympic Games in Beijing.
This requires that the European representatives who will – or will not – be attending the Olympic Games use this opportunity to draw attention to the situation of human rights in China. It is very serious. There are many people in jail, including Hu Jia, who was jailed after speaking to us here in the European Parliament via a video conference. We cannot accept that these people will continue to be kept in jail for no account by the Chinese authorities.

Estrasburgo, 9 de Julho de 2008

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