
23 de fevereiro de 2009

Intervenção (em inglês) sobre a Política de Desenvolvimento Europeia na Plenária do Parlamento Europeu, Bruxelas, 18 de Fevereiro de 2009 

It is crucial to solve the current legislative gap concerning the financing of non-ODA actions in countries covered by the DCI.
This proposal for an instrument to address this gap must preserve the DCI unequivocally as an instrument for ODA. And it must allow for a clear separation between financial sources allocated to pure ODA development cooperation and those allocated to other types of non-ODA development cooperation with developing countries. This separation is a very relevant political message in itself and would give proper visibility to the EU's development cooperation policy.
The new or revised instrument should also be sufficiently broad to cover a wide range of actions that do not comply with the OECD DAC guidelines but are indeed crucial for the EU's cooperation with developing countries, as Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner highlighted: for instance, the AKA gas fields in Iraq, or cooperation for aviation security with India.
This is why I am not am not in agreement with the restrictive legal base proposed in the report. However, I am not convinced either by the alternative presented with the amendment that we are supposed to vote tomorrow.
That is why I suggest that, under the guidance of the rapporteur Thys Berman, we would consider to give more time to a thorough discussion on the legal basis and to find a better solution, namely along the lines of article 181a, as suggested by the Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner.

Bruxelas, 18 de Fevereiro de 2009

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